Friday, February 21, 2020

Research article the False Memory Syndrome Foundation Paper

Article the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - Research Paper Example Cases of parents being accused by their children for traumatic incidence that purportedly happened years back were on the rise. The foundation would not only seek to understand the reasons for the rise of False Memory Syndrome, which was causing a lot of agony to families but also help prevent the condition. Moreover, the foundation provided a platform where affected families would support each other cope with the terrible agony of the loss of their offspring and the distress of being falsely accused of sexual abuse. The false memory syndrome has caused a lot of harm to both the children, parents and society as a whole. The condition has forced children to abandon their parent resulting to pain to parents from losing their loved ones. Accusations that go public causes trauma and creates stigma that would never go away even after the accusation are concluded to be false. The syndrome has forced affected families to seek counseling (False Memory Syndrome Foundation,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Strategy implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategy implementation - Essay Example In Andrews’ definition, there appears to be a clear division between strategy formulation and its implementation. It is at the implementation stage that resource allocation becomes crucial. This is in keeping with the classical or planned model of thinking about strategy. In the more recent, process, or resource-based view (RBV) of strategy, when speaking of the competitive advantage of a firm, scholars stress the importance of ‘resources’ and ‘capabilities’ available to it (Amit and Shoemaker 1993). It is commonsensical to argue that the strategy implementation of an enterprise is predicated on the availability (’command’) of resources and capabilities of the firm. Resources are held to be available business-wide, while capabilities are the skills and abilities developed within and specific to the firm. Resources alone therefore, are not in themselves sufficient to gain a ’sustainable competitive advantage’ for a firm. Cap abilities, often in the form of patents, and expertise developed in-house, and not easily replicated by outsiders, are equally, if not more important. It is too simplistic to separate strategy implementation from strategy formulation, since a strategy has to be adaptive and evolving, while keeping at the forefront the ends and goals that need to be met for the business to remain viable. Barney (1991), supported by a number of other researchers, claimed that a firm’s key resources needed optimally to conform to the following criteria.