Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hawthornes Birthmark and Young Goodman Brown free essay sample

This paper analyzes how Hawthorne addresses his Puritan views on morality and ethics in Birthmark and Young Goodman Brown. This paper explores the views of Nathaniel Hawthorne, expressed in his two novels. A synopsis of each novel is given and then the author looks at how Hawthornes writing style relates to ethics and symbolism. The author then analyzes the plots and characters of the novels in relation to moral issues. `Hawthorne was born 1804 and brought up in Salem, Massachusetts to a Puritan family. When Hawthorne was four, his father died. After this incident he was mostly in the female company of his two sisters, an aunt and his retiring mother who was not close to her offspring. Hawthorne was known as a reserved personality but during four years at college he established close friendships with his male classmates, several of which he continued for life. `Young Goodman Brown` was published in 1835, when Nathaniel Hawthorne was 31 years old. We will write a custom essay sample on Hawthornes Birthmark and Young Goodman Brown or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page `Birthmark` was published as a short story in Mosses from an Old Manse in 1846.`